The Kisaan Help Desk portal is made for our farmer community. This portal made by using HTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT, and PHP language. Coding was handled through the Object-Oriented approach.
In Kisaan Help Desk there are two logins are there one is Admin and the second is user login. In this portal there are main 3 modules are there (1) QA Solution, (2) Notes, (3) Dealers. In the QA solution farmer can ask any query regarding the work and another user answers that question if they know. Furthermore, it can contain multiple answers so the user can get a distinct answer from many users. Second is notes that contain income and expense notes of users securely and third is dealers that contains a list of dealers of the distinct crop in different city’s.
Since this will be an open for all audience the area of application could be the general population as it can be used basically by everyone but it can be most helpful to farmers.
Targeted users will be people who are doing farming. Furthermore, in other portal’s you can see they make farmer to an expert connection that may be difficult for farmers to understand the expert language but in this we are making farmer to farmer connection so it also reflects on the scope of this portal.
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By the survey, we get to know that due to the absence of pathological labs in the rural areas many peoples can't diagnose what diseases they had, or they have to go to the city for diagnosis and of course it was very costly. So we decided to make a project to find an easy and cheaper solution that can be accessed by normal peoples that they can diagnose the list of diseases that probably they had by using an app developed by us. There is a simple use of the application, a user only needs to click their blood image by the use of hardware pare and the application automatically detects the list of diseases probably the user has.
Download I AM PATHO Documentation!
Water Level Controller
In today's life, people start a water pump and forget to stop it. So, for that reason, a thousand liters of water wastes we created water level controller projects if anybody forgets to do turn off motor that time when the water tank is full then automatically motor is turned off.
Programmable Electronic Dice
In this project, we made an electronic dice for a gaming purpose when the gamer will press the switch button at that time random number will generate on display.
Canvas (*Assignment Module)
During our elective subject Asp .Net, I got the opportunity to work in a team project in which we have to make one learning portal and it is the Canvas.
Canvas is a learning module that in current time many schools and colleges are using this learning module for them student's batter learning, in which task is divided among us into submodules in which I got the opportunity to made assignment module.
In the assignment, module faculty can create assignments as per requirement, and students have to submit it before the deadline.else many small features are also there like role-based authentication, attractive UI, validation in all fields, etc.
Small Project (*Subject Project)
There are some small scale project that i have make during particular subject learning!